Billing system and text keyword autoresponse updates


We are implementing a new billing/invoicing/contract management system called Ordway and a few things will change on your end related to this integration. These changes will impact new NB customers who sign up starting 8.1.19 and will be rolled out for all users soon:

First, if you change anything about your plan mid-term (i.e. amount of phone numbers, text messaging tiers, billing interval, or plan type), the change takes effect immediately and we prorate the impact on the current term. For example, if you are 3 months into an Annual Leader plan and switch to Monthly Leader, we’ll keep your entire payment for the remaining 9 months as a balance and use it to pay down your new monthly invoices. Any upgrades will trigger an invoice the next day for the remainder of the partial period and if the change includes a billing interval change, the next billing date will change as well.

Second, we will allow you to add multiple people to receive billing-related emails so that NationBuilder billing will be easier for your organization. We have retained only allowing one person to be specified as the primary contact for software usage.

Third, phone number and text message plans are now managed in a new Add-ons tab under Settings for quicker access.


Due to new carrier (ATT/Verizon/Sprint/etc.) requirements, we now include the Broadcaster’s name in the JOIN/STOP text keyword autoresponses. Previously, we did not include any specific information about the broadcaster or nation in the confirmation messages for these. They now read:

JOIN: “Thanks for joining <Broadcaster Name> alerts! Msg frequency may vary, msg&data rates may apply. Reply STOP to cancel.”

STOP: “You are unsubscribed from <Broadcaster Name>. No more messages will be sent.”