- Ever wondered why a control panel user has access to certain profiles and not others? Lost track of where on your website you're assigning point people? Now you can see all the people that are assigned to a control panel user, filter by assignment type and review all assignment sources in your Nation. Go to a profile dashboard < assignments
- Past exports can now be accessed through the "More" menu in the people view
- If you’re using tag sharing there are now two more sync options available, reach out to your Account Manager is if you would like this functionality added to your Nation: primary email and email is bad
- Minor style fix to the table on the dashboard view for a single donation. Previously the tracking code would not show up unless you hovered over it
- Tracking codes would sometimes go invisible on a donation’s dashboard. This has been fixed!”
- For paused nations, landing pages will now properly show line breaks.
- NationBuilder now supports Google Analytics 4 - you can add a GA4 tracking code to your Nation in Nation settings or continue to use the one you have until July 2023. Find out more here
- Text blasts now include a default “from name” this is your broadcaster name to ensure all senders are identifying themselves to supporters
- There was a bug that previously created undesired line breaks when viewed on an iPhone, this has been resolved
- “Next bill date” is now NA for failed donations - we received feedback that having a date in that box was confusing for failed donors
- Previously, donations that were added via the API were associated in the control panel with the control panel user associated with the API token. This will no longer happen.
NationBuilder Payments
- Added MXN currency support for NB payments
- Previously, donations that were added via the API were associated in the control panel with the control panel user associated with the API token. This will no longer happen.