Product updates Dec 27


You can now email your donors with a link to a specified amount in the portal! 

Use this code to implement this in your nation: 

We appreciate all your contributions to {{settings.official_name}} in the past year! Want to increase your impact by 25%?

{% for recurring_donation in recipient.recurring_donations %}
{% if recurring_donation.recurrence == 'annual' and recurring_donation.status == 'active' %}
{% assign new_amount = recurring_donation.amount_format | remove: "$" | times: 1.25 %}
{% assign new_amount_decimals = new_amount | split: '.' %}
{% if new_amount_decimals[1].size == 1 %}{% assign new_amount = new_amount | append: "0" %}{% endif %}

Follow this link to upgrade your {{ recurring_donation.amount_format }} donation to {{ new_amount | prepend: "$" }}:{{ }}?amount={{ new_amount }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Your recurring donors can now edit their recurring donation amount through the supporter portal. 


Our new Email Editor is officially in beta, please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you'd like to become a beta tester!