We’ve added 3 new filters to help you better target your supporters:
- Tag (single): You can now search for tag name “matches”, “contains”, “starts with”, or “ends with”. This means you could filter for all people who have a tag that contains “newsletter” or “donor”, as an example.
- Donation tracking code (single): Same as above, but for donations tracking codes, in the Finances section. You can now search for all transactions that have a tracking code that “matches”, “contains”, “starts with”, or “ends with” your keyword.
You’ll see that the previous tag and tracking code filters have been renamed “Tags (multiple)” and “Donation tracking codes (multiple)”, and you can still use those if you’d like to search for multiple tags or multiple tracking codes at the same time.
- Has password: Search for all people who have a password to log into your website or control panel
We added the “Address type” selector to the New Organization form. it was added to the New Person form previously but not visible when creating an Organization.